We deal with the technical considerations and design provisions or measures to be taken into account in the planning of the built-up environment. This includes issues related to the design of several complementary domains: open spaces and recreational areas, travel pathways, the immediate vicinity of buildings, building entrances and the interiors of buildings comprising of washroom, work place solutions, easy access to all the functional areas etc.
Author: admin
The target group is composed of five major categories:
(a) Wheelchair users
(b) People with limited walking abilities
(c) The sightless
(d) The partially sighted
(e) The hearing and speech impaired
Other categories that may benefit to some extent from the proposed measures include the mentally disabled, people susceptible to physical fits, people with extreme physical proportions, and people with functional disabilities of the arm or hand.
The social aim is to integrate disabled people into society in order for them to take an active part in society and lead a normal life. To be active, a disabled person should be able to commute between home, work and other destinations. The technical aim is to provide a barrier-free environment for the independence, convenience and safety of all People with Disabilities and Senior Citizens alike.
Why a change is needed?
Many a times, in order to survive one has to start a Change Process……
Sometimes one needs to get rid of the old notions, habits and other past traditions……
Only freed from these past burdens, can we create the change and live the present to our advantage……
India has an estimate of more than 70 million disabled people, most of them confined to their homes due to a complete lack of accessible infrastr...